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Rose Academies Blog: Learn About Alternative Education

How to get College Scholarships in High School?

April 18, 2022
If you’d like to lower the cost of your college education, applying for scholarships now is a good place to start. Many scholarships are designed for high schoolers and there are a variety of things you can do to make yourself a more competitive applicant. Read on to learn how to secure the most money […]

ACT Study Tips: Encouraging Student Success

March 17, 2022
The ACT is an entrance exam used by most colleges and universities to make admissions decisions. Traditionally, it is a multiple-choice, pencil-and-paper test. This year, the Arizona Department of Education is utilizing the ACT as part of their annual state-mandated testing and all testing completed within the school day will be completed via web-based programs. […]

Benefits of a High School Diploma: Ensure Future Success

March 17, 2022
Did you know that with a high school diploma, you’re likely to earn 40% more income than someone without one? Your chances of being employed rise by 33% when you finish high school (CareerOneStop). While it may seem daunting to complete high school, earning your diploma can grant you access to high-paying career opportunities, ensuring […]

Why Charter Schools are Best for Your Child’s Education

February 16, 2022
The enrollment rate at charter schools continues to increase steadily every year. For example, there was an increase from 1% to 6% between fall 2000 and fall 2007 by the number of public school students who attended public charter schools. Here are the top five benefits why charter schools are the best choice for your […]

Is It a Good Idea to Get a Job in High School?

February 15, 2022
For many students, working a job provides spending money for a social life. For others, working is necessary to help the family make ends meet or to save for college. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, more high school students than ever before stepped up to help contribute to their family’s household income and may not be […]

Does Community College have Scholarships?

February 15, 2022
A community college also called a junior college, offers students a two-year degree known as an associate degree. There are four types of associate degrees, each of which helps you prepare for a different academic field or occupation. Some are meant to be transferred to a four-year institution, while others are career-specific and help prepare […]

Why Small Class Sizes Really Matter: Personalized Learning

February 4, 2022
Small class sizes are often cited as one of the most important factors in a student’s education. But what does that mean for students, and does class size really matter? Here we take a closer look at the benefits of smaller class sizes and how they can help your student succeed. Contact Rose Academy Charter […]

How High School GPA is Calculated: Understanding Grades

January 20, 2022
Your grade point average (GPA) is the sum of all your final grades throughout your high school career divided by the total number of courses. Most high schools (and colleges) report grades on a 4.0 scale. Each letter grade (A,B,C,D, & F) has a numerical value assigned to it based on the 4.0 scale that […]

What are Alternative High Schools?: Non-Traditional Learning

January 20, 2022
At its most basic, “alternative high school” means students receive an education outside of the traditional high school format. The Arizona Department of Education’s definition of “alternative high school” is a school whose sole and clearly-stated mission is to serve specific populations of at-risk students. This is a broad definition, and, because of that, alternative […]

How to Help Your Student Get A’s On Their Next Report Card

December 22, 2021
As a parent, you want to help your student succeed in any way possible. Whether it’s encouraging healthy habits or actually helping them study, you want to be there for your child as much as you can so they can succeed and have the best school experience possible. These tips are a few great ways […]