School Updates for Rose Academy Charter Schools


ROSE Reopening Task Force

The Rose Academies have established the ROSE Reopening Task Force to develop a considerate and safe plan that accommodates our student’s return to school.

In planning for the 2020-2021 school year, the Task Force makes decisions using:

  • Guidance from the Arizona Department of Education Roadmap for Reopening Schools, Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
  • Direction from local, state, and national authorities
  • In collaboration with Rose Academies’ parents/guardians, students and employees

By working together and staying connected, the Rose Academies plan to provide a quality educational experience for our students. We are proud to serve students in the Tucson community during these unprecedented times.

Return To School

As you are aware, Governor Ducey issued an executive order delaying the start of in-person school to August 17, 2020 for all Arizona schools.
The Rose Academies will begin the school year on August 6th, as originally scheduled, via online learning. We expect to provide in-person learning on August 17th. At that time students and parents that want to continue online learning will have that option.

We will continue to update you on our plans to reopen in-person learning safely. If you have any questions please contact your school principal.

NOTICE: The conditions surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic are continually evolving, the Return to School Plan and Safety Protocols will be constantly evaluated to adapt to the continuing trends, guided by local, state, and national authorities.

FAQs – Updated 07/14/2020

How will schools be cleaned?

Schools are practicing elevated cleaning and sanitizing protocols that are consistent with public health guidelines. This includes sanitizing high-contact surfaces and workstations throughout the day. There are hand sanitizers throughout the building. Staff and students are encouraged to wash their hands often and use hand sanitizer.

Rose is installing UV filters in the air conditioning units to help kill bacteria and viruses and improve air quality in our buildings.

In addition, we have invested in foggers to help sanitize the classrooms. We use EPA approved disinfectants following the CDC guidelines. The machines disperse the disinfectant over 5 to 6 minutes while the atomized particles reach up to 15 ft. settling in all those hard to reach spaces.

How will you handle social distancing in the classroom?

We are reducing the capacity of students per session to allow for six feet of distance. We are eliminating use of areas where students may congregate. All desks and tables in small group classrooms will be physically distanced.

All staff and students are required to wear masks. Will students and staff have to provide their own masks?

Yes, students and staff must provide their own masks. Rose will provide face coverings in special situations if they are available.

Does Rose provide technology for students?

Rose has a limited number of Chromebooks that can be distributed to students under specific circumstances.

Can my student transition from online learning to in-person learning or vice versa?

Yes, students can change from online learning to in-person learning. Students will be required to fill out a request form due to reduced seating capacity for our in-person learning sessions.

Is the online program the same as the in-person learning?

Our curriculum is available through Odysseyware so students who choose online learning are accessing the same curriculum as students who choose in-person learning. Students who choose online learning will receive direct instruction via video conferencing or phone whereas students who choose in-person learning have direct instruction with a teacher in the classroom. This model makes it easy for students to transition at any time between the two options to accommodate any situation.

How will teachers provide instruction with the two learning options?

In-Person Learning Option – In-person learning option is our normal program of instruction using our blended learning model. We will have reduced student capacity per session to maintain health guidelines so seating per session will be limited. Students will choose from one of our three sessions and attend school 20 hours a week Monday through Thursday. Teachers will be available to work with students individually and in small group. Students choosing this option still have access remotely to get ahead in coursework.

Online Learning Option – Students will complete coursework online through Odysseyware and MS Teams. Students will complete assignments in Odysseyware and are expected to join regular classes virtually, following an expected level of participation. 

Students can work online anytime. Teachers will provide instruction via MS Teams. Within MS Teams teachers will use video conferencing to teach and check-in with students, as well as videos of instruction can be accessed to assist students who are working online at various times of the day. Students choosing this option can also schedule time to come in on Fridays to work one on one with a teacher if necessary. Fridays will be significantly reduced student capacity as it is not a normal school day.

Is the school screening staff and students prior to coming to school/work?

Yes, screening procedures are in place for staff and students to self-identify their COVID symptoms and to stay home.

What protocol will be followed when a student or staff member presents with COVID symptoms? Or tests positive for COVID?

We will ensure Arizona Department of Health Services guidelines are met by implementing staff and student screening prior to entering the building. We have isolation protocols in place for any staff or students developing symptoms while they are in the building. If a staff or student tests positive for COVID we would notify those with direct exposure while maintaining confidentiality of the individual and require those individuals to self-quarantine until they are symptom-free for 72 hours or until test results are received. There are additional cleaning protocols in place in the event that this happens. We continue to update our protocols based on local health and CDC guidelines.

What if my child has an IEP?

Students with IEPs or 504 Plans will receive the same support as a normal year (i.e. inclusive practices, accommodations, modifications, etc.). Rose will offer related services either online or in-person on a scheduled date and time to receive related services.