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Rose Academies Blog: Learn About Alternative Education

Why High School Students Should Consider Volunteering

November 17, 2022
Many high schoolers are concerned with bolstering their collegiate applications with impressive GPAs and a roster of extracurricular activities. Outside of school athletics, activities, and clubs, one often overlooked aspect that can set an applicant apart is volunteering. In this blog, we’re looking at why high school students should consider getting involved with volunteer opportunities […]

Rose Academies’ Video Blog – November 2022 – Shu-Ha-Ri-DŌ 

November 15, 2022
Embracing The Art of Learning at the Rose Academies What does the “The Art of Learning” mean? There is a concept found in traditional Japanese martial art systems known as “Shu-Ha-Ri.” This term refers to the three distinct phases of learning – anything at all. Along with these three phases is also a concept known […]

Video Blog: Flexible Scheduling in Oct. 2022

October 20, 2022
When it comes to what classes high schoolers take and when, most students aren’t used to having much of a choice. Instead, each student is required to take the same classes, at the same time, regardless of need, interest, or skill level. While this may eventually produce a diploma, it can leave many students either […]

Emotional Wellness in High School: Mental Health in Teens

October 19, 2022
October is Emotional Wellness Month! Taking time out of a busy school season to recognize emotional wellness means spending time disconnecting and giving the brain some TLC. Maintaining a healthy emotional balance helps high schoolers to make healthy choices, have good relationships, avoid burnout, and achieve their goals. Emotional health is one aspect of mental […]

Embracing The Art of Learning at the Rose Academies

October 19, 2022
What does the “The Art of Learning” mean? There is a concept found in traditional Japanese martial art systems known as “Shu-Ha-Ri.” This term refers to the three distinct phases of learning – anything at all. Along with these three phases is also a concept known as “DŌ” (sounds like dough), which refers to the […]

Video Blog: Student/Teacher Ratio in September 2022

September 14, 2022
There are many factors that determine the quality of education a student will receive from their school. One factor that remains undisputed is the Student-to-Teacher Ratio. Generally speaking, smaller classes facilitate better learning environments, so much so that many states have legislation in place to limit the number of students assigned to each teacher. Here […]

Benefits of Flexible Scheduling in High School

September 12, 2022
When it comes to what classes high school students take and when most pupils aren’t used to having much choice, each high schooler takes the same classes, often regardless of the need, interest, or skill level of the student. While this may eventually produce a diploma, it can leave many students either overwhelmed or unengaged.  […]

Does High School Prepare Students for the Real World?

September 12, 2022
Some parents wonder; “does school prepare you for the real world?” The concern being that high schools aren’t actually equipping students for life after graduation. As young adults step out into a world that demands versatility and adaptability, many find that their high school experience has left them underprepared for the challenges ahead. This blog […]

How to Beat Back to School Blues: Easing the Transition

August 15, 2022
If you’re feeling some anxiety about the end of summer and going back to school, you’re not alone. Many students feel some dread about getting back in the classroom. The good news is, that this feeling is likely temporary, and you’ll be back into the swing of things in no time! But, if that idea […]

Can I go Back to High School After Dropping Out?

August 15, 2022
It’s never too late to finish high school. Earning your diploma is often the first step towards a successful future and there might be more options for getting there than you think! If you’re 21 years old or younger, you can go back to high school, in-person, and walk across the stage at graduation to […]