Rose Academies Blog: Learn About Alternative Education

How to Catch Up in High School: Strategies for Students

August 10, 2021
At the Rose Academies and across the nation, to say the last school year looked a little different is quite the understatement. If you’re looking to catch up in school and classes that fell through the cracks or the concepts you didn’t quite grasp, we’re here to help. If your life and schedule look different […]

Do Charter Schools Have a Flexible Schedule?

June 29, 2021
The average start time for high schools in America is 8:00 AM, but growing research suggests that according to circadian rhythm (internal sleep clock) and the sleep hygiene of adolescents, a start time before 8:30 AM may actually do more harm than good. This early start time also often doesn’t account for working students, who […]

Who Benefits from Charter High Schools: Student Success

June 29, 2021
Unlike traditional high schools, charter schools are uniquely curated to meet the needs of a variety of students. One important element of this is the freedom of choice that they provide. Unfortunately for many families, the nearest public school is sometimes poor-performing or doesn’t meet their student’s needs. Until the widespread school choice movement spearheaded […]

How Are Charter Schools Different from Traditional Schools?

May 10, 2021
It is easy to become overwhelmed with so many options in terms of selecting the right high school education. So we wanted to share a few points we believe to be relevant when making your decision. First, there are a variety of types of schools to choose from: Public, private, and notably, charter. While charter […]

5 Tips for Avoiding Class Burnout: Plan Frequent Breaks

May 10, 2021
Summer break is just around the corner! After an unusually stressful year of school, we understand the temptation to run far from your online class screen or catch a few more z’s before logging in for classroom participation, but we’re not quite there yet. It’s important to finish the year out strong and ensure your […]

Tips on How to Be Successful in Online Classes

March 12, 2021
Whether you’re participating in online classes by choice or not, there are a few ways to help ensure your academic performance stays on track. At the Rose Academies, we have been perfecting the blended learning model, including online learning, for years, and have readily adapted to meet the needs presented by COVID-19. Below are our […]

Pros and Cons of Charter Schools: Information for Parents

March 12, 2021
When it comes to your child’s education, we all want what’s best. In this modern age of education in the U.S., we are constantly faced with new options. Charter schools are a relatively recent education model that has become widely available and stand as tuition-free alternatives to traditional public schools. So, what are the pros […]

The Blended Learning Model & How it Benefits Students

February 8, 2021
In these unprecedented times, the Rose Academies are proud to be in the established position of offering a blended learning model. As more schools move online and parents are put in the difficult position of committing to what learning option is best for their child, we are here to offer flexibility and safety with a […]

How to Graduate High School Early: Tips For A Head Start

February 8, 2021
Are you considering trying to graduate from high school early? At the Rose Academies, we offer flexible scheduling options to allow for a graduation timeline that fits your goals. Whether you’re an aspiring traveler interested in taking a gap year before starting college along with your peers, or you’re ready to enter the workforce and […]

Rose Academy’s Mastery Grading System: Transparent Policies

February 8, 2021
In order to graduate from high school, students need to earn 22 credits worth of classes. The Rose Academies utilize a mastery grading system, meaning you’ll need to earn a grade of C or better in your classes in order to pass. The state of Arizona only requires a minimum passing grade of 60% or […]